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Giacomo Sottocasa

Autor/in:Giacomo Sottocasa
Biographie:Giacomo Sottocasa is a lawyer who simply loves games. He's first game design experience has been getting toghether "Angeli e demoni" (RPG) development team, he translated "Le Straordinarie Avventure del Barone di Munchausen" for the italian edition, he is the designer of "Free Fantasy Rpg" (an open source rpg) and "Crash! the bankrupt game" (card game).

Veröffentlichte Spiele

Crash - The Bankrupt Game2003Rose & PoisonGiacomo SottocasaGesellschaftsspiel 
Deus Vult!2005Rose & PoisonGiacomo Sottocasa
Sergio Giovannini
Free Fantasy2002Rose & PoisonGiacomo Sottocasa
Rose & Poison

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